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The Vanguard, Opportunism, and the Semi-Colonial System, by Carlos, 12/01/2023.

Translation made to facilitate communication among the global working class, by Veredas Criticas, 07/07/2023. The original text can be found here: A Vanguarda, o Oportunismo e o Sistema Semi-Colonial

To be the vanguard of the people, of the exploited and enslaved class, is a great responsibility. Perhaps one of the greatest historical missions that humanity has demanded to this day. In Brazil, this semi-colonial country that is considered by humanists and democrats worldwide as a reference in popular struggles, this responsibility is doubled. Therefore, like a captain on a ship amidst a storm, it is required to have prudence, calmness, in the right measure, and sobriety when analyzing the conditions and contradictions of reality.

It is necessary to note this contemporary fact: bourgeois regimes, whether "democratic" or not, to enter a state of exception, no longer need (or cannot rely solely on) a charismatic leader, a caudillo. Henceforth, it will also be necessary for the entire arrangement of the "democratic rule of law" to be mobilized for this endeavor - it is called the 'new type of fascism.' Sometimes an old-fashioned coup d'état will be necessary, with the bourgeois army in the lead, and sometimes a palace coup, but the Executive will appear as the leader of this process and it will be necessary to give an appearance of democracy.

The opportunist wing of the Workers' Party, which is now experiencing its most energetic and poignant moment, has created the false optimism that winning the farcical election is enough to push back all the reactionary forces of this country back into the gutter from whence they came. But, as the saying goes, the serpent's egg has already cracked. The Armed Forces already tutor the "democratic regime" and now corner the new government, allowing the bizarre invasion of the Planalto, with the complicity of the security forces, as well as even the governor and with financing from the big bourgeoisie. No project of the Workers' Party has the conditions - nor has it ever had such pretensions - to position itself as a real material force of opposition to this imminent re-enslavement of the old Brazilian State.

To believe that Alexandre de Moraes and the Federal Police are the "guardians of democracy" and to place them as saviors of the nation, entrusting them with the power to judge what is "terrorism," what is "vandalism," and to act arbitrarily in censoring and arresting those who fit into this abstraction, is, as they say in the popular dialect, shooting oneself in the foot, digging one's own grave, with hands stained by a supposed "workers' party," with the artificiality of a red color that fades at the first rain of the storm.

This mode of operation, that is, the Supreme Court acting as the main protagonist of the "defense of democracy," is a rehearsal of how the old latifundist State will react in the event of a just popular revolt - and not a fascist intent like the Bolsonaro wave. Undoubtedly, such methods will be used against the democratic and militant movements of the people.

Although it may seem that the Supreme Court is being cornered in this power struggle, we need to remember the lesson of the greatest philosophers of our class: to be radical is to go to the essence of things, and if appearance and essence coincided, no science would be necessary.

The Supreme Court is still the backbone of Brazilian semi-colonial capitalism, and even the coup plotters do not want the end of the Supreme Court, but rather to replace its representatives - who today stand against Bolsonaro's coupism but could very well be in favor of any coupism tomorrow. It is worth remembering that during the fascist military dictatorship of '64, the judiciary remained operative, even though in Institutional Act No. 5 (AI-5), the army closed the National Congress.

The only real force to combat fascism is the force of the Masses, guided by the ideology of new democracy and not this quagmire of bourgeois false democracy and its different supposedly representative party labels.

It is vital that the truly democratic and humanistic forces in this country do not become contaminated by the intellectual and moral degeneration of class opportunism, which finds its maximum expression in the figure of Lula and the Workers' Party. They must know that their historical mission demands that they not be carried away by the irrational emotion of class conciliation, as it is death, both for this vanguard project and for the people themselves. Let us not be carried away by the despair of the crew; let us look at the horizon as those who are certain of the dawn and do not doubt the victory for even a second.

Carlos, 1/12/23.



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